Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Last To Fall In Love

I can't stop reading Thought Catalog and the endless articles there. I had this and that thing this morning, and I stumbled upon this article during lunch break. Well, I just need to know that someone out there in this freakin huge universe and galaxy and beyond to relate to. I, indeed, am not alone.

When you are the last one to fall in love, don’t take advice from anyone. Don’t listen to the self-help books or the advice your newly engaged roommate just gave you. Everyone falls in love different and experiences the phases of a relationship at different times. You are going to feel hopeless at times, thinking that you never will find that one person who adores the unfunny jokes you tell or the awkward dimple on your upper left cheek. Love is not timed or monitored. When it comes, it comes, and one day you will be eternally grateful you waited for this time in your life to come rather than check off a list of things people told you to start doing. The strongest moments will arise after a chapter of doing absolutely nothing but getting to know and listen to your own self.

Read the rest of the article here.

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