Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wolfram Alpha

I know it's still January, and my birthday isn't in any near day, but seventy days away isn't that far though. (evil laugh)

I was posting my 24x365 journal earlier, and today is Day 295. I never thought I would make it this far.  So for fun, I ask an equation of 70 days from today to Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha is computational knowledge engine, it's a fun searching engine for me. If you haven't try searching for something using it, better try, it's sooo fun!). And the result is this

Call me cheesy, superstitious, or whatever and right now I don't care. I am just so excited to see exact, whole, even numbers; Such as 10 weeks from now, 70 days from now, 50 days from now, 101st day of 2013. It's the day the Revolutionary War ends. Sun will rises at 5:55, and set at 5:55. Preeetttyyy numberssss... And it's New Moon.

So excited!

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