Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Girl

I've finished reading the book a couple days ago and I've just watched the movie a couple hours ago. So much for curiousity, eh?

I watched the movie because I am really curious how the book would be portrayed. The book is sooooo amazing. Well, the plot is rather slow at the beginning through half-part of the book, I think that's why those part was not in the movie so much either. Anyways, I get soooo excited reading through the end, because the book elaborates the "detective mode" very nicely. Very clear. Very smart. Stieg Larsson is one MAN! The movie, well, disappoint me quite enough since there are I think important part that is missing. The detective mode.

The book gives the thriller sense on the story, but in my opinion the film is not so thrilling (compared to the book). But I should give credits to the actors who portrays the characters. The acting is sooooo nice, believable and at one point I was thinking "Damn, he really looks like a sex addict" on this one supporting character who is a sex-addict-rapist-cruel-man.

So, I'm giving the book a 4.5 out of 5 stars (just because it bores me at the beginning :p but managed to excite me through the end) and a 3 out of 5 stars (because it was too short :p but still got great actors). I recommend you to read the book. It's a really nice book, and relatively cheap in Indonesia. :)

PS: I already bought the second series on the trilogy, "The Girl Who Played With Fire". Yes, it's a trilogy.

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