Monday, July 23, 2012

A-Three-Paragraphed Shy-Thank-You Post

Some people came into your life for a reason, some has a reason to stay, but some others just happened only to stop by. You see, the phase where someone "stepped" into my life moments ago, though maybe only for a moment, somehow switched my life back on, and he really did. I did not realize that until I somehow got my heart.. how do you call it, sort-of, "broken"?

I don't know how to thank him that, to feel those feeling again. It made me realize, aside from all the adventure that I miss, that this is me, this is the me that I also miss. The one who was hiding underneath a mask, trying so hard to become a better person, but becoming someone else. The one who's not afraid to fell in love, be heartbroken, and get up again; the one who's up to anything; the one who enjoys being alone yet also loved for an impulsive company.

Well you deserve a thank you. Maybe that's why you were here, to put a smile upon my face, straight up from the warmth of the heart. Maybe it's not your duty to make it stay; maybe it's mine, or maybe it's somebody else's. But nonetheless, once again, thank you. I owe you one.

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