Thursday, July 28, 2011

Logical Things

I have a friend, let's just call him Waldo. We are not best-friends, not even close for being lovers. We're friends. Period. I rarely talk heart to heart with him, but when I do, I always get my mind straight up and things he said made sense.

I would say he's wise. In way that his inputs are not preachy yet it still teaches you. He would tell you you're wrong. That's why when I feel lost or well I need enlightment, I came to talk to him. Recently, we had some bumps on our lives. And so we had a couple talks. And he would say some things. Logical things that logically help through bad times.

Some of it are this:

- Bad things are just as bad as how you handle it.
If you handle what happenned in the past with good attitude, it wouldn't be that bad. Things will work out better. You got to believe for something's better.

- Fake happiness until you're really happy
Well I forgot how he said it actually but it sort of means like that. If you read the law of attraction, it made clear sense. Yes how can you be happy when you're sad? You got to set your mind to it. Right?

And one last "order" that he said to me last night before we end the talk
"You can cry all you want tonight, but tomorrow you must stand up stronger than today"

And yes, before I went to sleep I pray "Let the tears of tonight be the strength of tomorrow"

Good morning people and have a nice happy day :)

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