Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lesson Learned

Okay, so lesson learned: don't buy any promotional tickets too far in advance. 6 month in advance is still too far in advanced.

I bought tickets to India on a promotional fare, around last October, to depart on mid-April this year, for a two week trip. Suddenly, my cousin is planning to get married (well, I didn't know and didn't hear any plan, and just so suddenly the date is set) and it's on the day I am still away for the trip. So to be able to make it to the wedding, I got to reschedule the promotional tickets I bought, and it costs me twice the original price I got to pay on the first place. It's like I am buying 3 set of tickets with the original price. Yet, I'm not.


When I knew the price I got to pay, I wanted to back-out from the trip. But well, I might not be able to go again. It's a dilemma.


I learned my lesson, and more, there should be something behind this, SOMETHING BETTER.

In the end, let's just hope the trip was fun. :)

1 comment:

Di said...

Irene gimana trip India nya?? haaa update di blog yaa pengen tau kisah trip ke India :D