Saturday, January 10, 2009

Seeing Double

a couple days ago, before I went to campus, I was picking up some clothes to be worn to campus and my eyes fell to my soft pink sweater top that the last time I wore it was way back in 2006. It was short (at the waist) and my comfy pants was on laundry so I wore my other jeans which is hipster type and to avoid undergarments exhibition due to the hipster type pants, I wore a black long top underneath the sweater. something casual, but I thought it was something that no one would wear.

Laras and I agreed to meet up at around 12 or later at campus. when she arrived, she came up to me and I was shock because she was wearing the same style of clothing I was wearing, the same shoulder bag type, and the same white/off white canvas slip on shoes. Fortunately, the clothes were in different color. I laughed.

so how did we end up wearing the same style? I don't know.
not a big deal.
when she asked me to accompany her to accompany a friend's friend to a tour around the campus, I was being a little worried. we would be like two people matching each other having a tour around the campus, but what the hell. I prefer that than sitting doing nothing.

so how did we dress up?
this is how we do it!


Di said...

jadi kangen jaman mix and match baju kekampus. Yeah hidup anak arsi yang stylish!!! (haha narsis... :D

Anonymous said...

hahaha,, kebetulan yang lucu ya renn? gila emang.. itu tandanya kita harus segera memulai 'project' kita,, hahahaha ;)

Irene Hutami said...

@dira: hahaha iya nih.. stylish itu maksimal dapat tercapai pada hari2 normal dan libur seperti ini.. klo hari2 pengumpulan, boro mikirin baju..rambut aja udh lepek haha..

@laras: iya lucu.. hehe.. ayolah project.. gw buat nih ya..