Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Defending My Holga

okay, so I went home early from final-crappy-studio-days from stomachache and decided to join my boyfriend and his friends for a lunch/snack, batagor. Very smart decision. I ended up being in the bathroom -if you know what I mean- for quite a time.

and after that, a big relieve. Misery doesn't stop. My senior/friend, Pierre set his Yahoo! Messenger status to "Lomo?! Yeah right.. I got photoshop right here.." It tickles. I nearly got my stomachache back, and I don't want to. So I im-ed him. Telling him blablabla about my wonderful lomos. And he "offered" to edit a photo to make it like my holga's. Hmm..

and it goes like this
my Holga

his digital Holga

and another one
my Holga

his digital Holga

and so we ended up being in a stupid argument defending our lomo. hahaha..

naaaaaah...my so-you-called-it-no-skill-needed-more-expensive-but-portable-lomo is way cooler than yours hahahaha...

ps: somebody please support me?!


Anonymous said...

tony yang sama kyk pierre, ehm call them anti-holga-what-so-ever, malah menuduh saya orang yang termakan trend waktu saya bilang lomo dan photoshop ga bisa disamain.

well well well, punya aja ngga, ngerti aja kagak.

tapi sebagai manusia yang bebas berpendapat dan hak tentang hati nuraninya dijunjung tinggi oleh UUD (beuh panjang amat),,,,intinya kalo opini gw ttg hal ini adalah, lomo itu ga bisa dibandingin sm photoshop. mau dibilang sama2 aja hasilnya, di mata gw tetep beda.


makan tuh trend.

...and i adore your holga-grogi, iyen :)

Irene Hutami said...

yea.. emang ga bisa disamain..
gimana juga itu mediumnya aja udh beda.. ga kaya photomanipulation beneran..

dia kira lomo itu baru ada hahahaha sory baby holga aja udh ada since the 80s.. diana camera udh ada since the 60s..
photoshop emang ada? HAHAHAHA

mengutip kata2 di goholga, simplicity is bliss... hihi

thanks muchies dear

vienz said...

definitely unbeatable. your holga, I mean... =)

melur said...

hiyaaaaa.. ini Holga yang spesifikasinya yg mana ya? tolong infonya.. wassalam dan terimakasih ;)

Irene Hutami said...

ini pake holga 120CFN.. pake film fuji velvia..