Monday, May 8, 2017


Everyday, all the time, we are always trying to fit -or unfit- ourself into society's perspectives -whether we realize it or not. Every decision we make depended on which sides of us we want the world to see. Making "sane" decisions sometime is merely fitting ourselves within society. Making "insane" decision -even for the sake of your own good- can come across as selfish. Do you want to be seen as selfish?

There's always two sides of a story including yourselves. There's always two sides of you. One that is more sound may be the one you feed more. It can get a little exhausting when you try to feed both. You'll end up grey and find yourselves between your own lines. So in the end, you just gotta make that decision. Which side you want to be, which side you want them to see? How would you fit in?

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